10 Google Drive Alternative Desktop Clients
I have been testing and looking at a lot of interesting Google Drive clients lately and wanted to share some of the ones I have found. It takes quite a bit of time to do the full reviews so consider this the previews of some of the reviews I am
Creating A Plex Media Server - Everything You Need to Know
I have been running my own Plex server for awhile and it has been great. I recently purchased the [Plex Pass Lifetime Subscription](http://Starting a Plex Media Server - Everything you need to know) and am glad I did. If you are thinking of trying out Plex you might find the
Plex Pass Lifetime Subscription On Sale
If you, like me, have been wanting to get a Lifetime Plex Pass then now is the time to check it out. I went to the site today to discover that the price for the Lifetime Plex Pass is currently $30 off the regular price. You can currently get a
Spanning Sends Notice to Users to Remind Them to Re-authenticate on Password Change
It is good security practice to regularly change your passwords for websites and services you use. It also makes sense that if you change your password for a service that uses OAuth to authorize apps that the app also would need to be reauthorized. Unfortunately that has not been how
Trello vs. Freedcamp
In the ever-growing marketplace of cloud-based productivity apps, two project management suites stand out: Trello and Freedcamp. Freedcamp has been developed since 2010 while Trello started in 2011. They each have their own strengths and weaknesses, so I’ll compare the apps based on a variety of features to highlight them.
Cloud Based Tax Software for Canada
It is tax time here in Canada and that means it is time to get all my receipts and documents in order to do my taxes. Fortunately one of the easiest parts of doing taxes is being able to use cloud based software to help fill in all the appropriate
Fix WordPress Admin Issues when using CloudFlare
CloudFlare is a great service to use if you run a website, in fact it is one of the few services I almost always use with clients websites no matter what size of site they have. The speed benefits and the extra security it can provide even on the free
CloudConvert vs. Zamzar
Converting files from one format to another is perfect to be done in the cloud. Whether you need to convert a file that a client sent you for use in a presentation or you just want to get that video you took of the kids to a more friendly format
Password Management: LastPass vs. SplashID
It is officially 2016 and I am constantly amazed at how BAD peoples passwords are that they use to secure their most important accounts. Every data breach that happens we hear about people still using passwords like "123456" and "Password". Companies like Apple and Google really don't help encourage us
Welcome to CloudeeReviews!
Welcome to CloudeeReviews! The first blog post is always the hardest one to write it seems because usually when I write a blog post I am writing to solve some kind of problem or offer my opinion on something. The reality is this site is my attempt to solve a